
Satellite Symposium "Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain."

ALBA Network (since 2016) is an international initiative that promotes equity and diversity in brain sciences. Dr. Karel Jezek (Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University) became Representative of the Czech Neuroscience Society to the ALBA Network. Whoever feels the DEI (diversity, equity, incluisivity) is inproperly challenged or unmet at...

Closing conference of the Czech–Norwegian joint project. The Mit-AD project aims to develop early diagnostic biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by validating a series of new biomarkers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in participants from the Czech Brain Aging Study (CBAS). This project will involve researchers from CBAS – Czech team with...

Týden mozku je festival nejnovějších objevů a trendů ve výzkumu mozku a neurovědách, který je součástí Brain Awareness Week (BAW) – celosvětové kampaně na zvýšení povědomí veřejnosti o úspěších a přínosech výzkumu mozku. Tradici Týdne mozku v České republice inicioval a založil český neurovědec profesor Josef Syka v roce 1998.



The European Neuroscience Conference by Doctoral Students (ENCODS) is an initiative started by graduate students at the Neurocampus Bordeaux in 2013. The main aim of ENCODS is to provide a safe space for early-career neuroscientists where they can share their research in the form of talks and poster presentations, create new collaborations